Chicken and Poultry

Chard bundles with chicken and pomegranate molasses hereby join the enormous culinary family known as stuffed vegetables. Anyone inclined to create a family tree of stuffed veg would be well advised to park chard bundles on the cabbage side, near the second cousins. You think I sound nuts? Have you…

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People assume every meal around here is a multicourse wonder, each dish more stunningly photogenic than the next. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, over the past few days, as markets filled with spring produce, I couldn’t think of a damned thing to cook, much less blog….

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Cheddar Chicken Burgers

January 21, 2023

At least once weekly we eat chicken burgers. One of pound (464 grams) of ground chicken goes into a bowl, along with salt, pepper, and a minced garlic clove. From there the spicing varies, depending on my mood and whatever’s in the fridge. I might add a squeeze of lemon…

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Turkey Mini-Burgers

July 10, 2022

Turkey mini-burgers happened because I detest turkey. Doesn’t that make you want to dive right in? Seriously, we live in a divisive era. Everyone has an opinion, and few of us want to hear the opposing side. This extends to what we put in our mouths. So, in a miniscule…

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Chicken with zucchini and water chestnuts is a departure from the usual chez IK. It’s not a stir-fry in the classic sense of high heat, fast cooking. Instead, the heat is turned down, and the wok gets a lid. New table? New cups? Nope. The above is dollhouse furniture. I…

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Chopped Liver

January 18, 2022

There’s the old joke that goes four Jews, five opinions, and this is especially true where food is concerned. So it is with some trepidation that I offer a recipe for chopped liver. I consulted about a dozen books before settling on the chopped liver recipe in Anthony Bourdain’s Appetites….

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Hi. Your hostess returns. On December 16th I got my third Covid booster. The first two were Pfizer, and no big deal. The third was Moderna, and made me so sick John considered calling an ambulance. (Despite the above, I still think everyone should get vaccinated and boosted. A few…

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Chicken Livers with Rice

October 9, 2021

I was well into adulthood before learning chicken livers are considered offal. When I think of offal, I think of lungs and testicles, ears and eyeballs, tongues and tripe. Clearly I am in the minority. Determined to defend the delights of chicken livers, or at least get to eat some…

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The Fried Chicken Wrap

June 7, 2021

  The ethics of blogging–and yes, such things do exist–contend that three changes to a recipe make it one’s own. So while it would be “ethical” for me to claim I invented the fried chicken wrap, I did not. The original recipe comes from Nigella Lawson’s Cook, Eat, Repeat, where…

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Chicken Liver Mousse

December 21, 2020

We can all agree this holiday season isn’t the merriest. Covid 19 has decimated the population, wrecked the economy, and generally wrought havoc in a shockingly short time. Offering up some fancy dish along the lines of foie gras feels pretty tone deaf…kinda like suggesting $600 is enough to help…

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