Cookbooks › How To Eat by Nigella Lawson

Cottage Pie

February 14, 2021

In How To Eat, Nigella Lawson describes theĀ  British traditional Sunday lunch thus: Proper British Sunday lunch is everything contemporary cooking is not. Meat-heavy, hostile to innovation, resolutely formalized, it is as much ritual as meal, and an almost extinct ritual at that. With their military vocabulary and timetables, my…

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Chicken Liver Mousse

December 21, 2020

We can all agree this holiday season isn’t the merriest. Covid 19 has decimated the population, wrecked the economy, and generally wrought havoc in a shockingly short time. Offering up some fancy dish along the lines of foie gras feels pretty tone deaf…kinda like suggesting $600 is enough to help…

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Summer Fruit Tarts

June 7, 2017

Much as the IK would love to blame her recent internet silence on European travel or a fancy sea voyage, she’s been here all along, living her workaday if extremely annoying life. A life which has conspired, at every moment, to prevent her from posting. Rather than detail these piddling…

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Easy Scallion Kimchee

March 29, 2016

Loyal readers–thank you, by the way, how amazing to even write those words–may have noted my fondness for fiery foods, a preference John doesn’t entirely share. Moderately spicy foods are okay with him, but when I dig into the Chinese hot mustard, peppers scoring off the Scoville charts, and dishes…

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