Kitchen Note: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

November 10, 2016

On October 24th I wrote:

 After a terrible year marked by personal ill health, widespread international suffering, and the loss of numerous beloved public figures, we at the IK are weary. We intend to have a little fun over the holidays, which will be spent à deux.

To this end, I planned to blog a few celebratory meals, scaled down for two. The first of these, a duck recipe, was set to go Monday night, right down to the photographs.

Plans have changed.

IK has decided to honor–and  celebrate–the cuisines of our Mexican and Native American friends, colleagues, and neighbors. As this was unplanned until yesterday, we had some shopping to do, and now, we have a pork in need of roasting, tomatillos in need of peeling, and some margaritas crying out for mixing–and, of course, drinking.

Let us all remember Margaret Atwood’s lesser Latin: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.