Hello….is it me you’re looking for?

December 7, 2021


I doubt anyone in the blogosphere is, apart from the occasional scroll….anything new? Nope? Click.

Your hostess, meanwhile, has been working hard, cooking like a crazed person, and failing repeatedly, despite her many culinary efforts. That the faulty recipes involved cabbage had nothing at all to do with matters. Nothing, I tell you.

Meanwhile, as the weeks have passed without a post, I have grown ever more anxious. Much as I try not to succumb to much of the prevailing advice surronding blogs (doubtless why I am not famous, on television, or fending off book deals), it’s hard to quiet the voice whispering “content,” in one ear and “post regularly,” in the other.

So, hi. Recent recipes may be less than blog quality, but they generated decent photographs, which I suspect is why people show up here anyway. So, we’ll have a nice picture show (hopefully not our last) (Sorry. You would, too.), and my life being the um, crapshow it is of late, I will hopefully be able to put up a nice post with an equally nice recipe in short order.

Meanwhile, I hope your holiday shopping isn’t too overwhelming, and the things you want to buy are actually available. Somewhere.

Farmer’s market.

Toasting spices.



Lion’s head casserole. The recipe comes from Barbaras Kafka and Tropp, and needs work. All failures my own.

Thanks for reading.